Need advice on wiring. With a multitap transformer one of my lines will tie in 6 step lights( up steps across and down) then 8 lights on one side of the path down. Total length about 150 feet. Will I possible experience a voltage drop down the line ( using 150 Multi tap transformer as I have other lines well within the power for that transformer ). If so what is the solution. Probably cannot use a hub as the interval distance between path lights will be greater then 25 feet. Thanks
Typically, we recommend no more than 80W or approx 8-10 fixtures for a single run from a transformer. So, the 14 fixtures there may be pushing the envelope a bit depending on the individual wattages of the fixtures - the fixtures in the latter half of the run may experience voltage loss. Of course, with LED being quite flexible with wide input operating voltage ranges, a voltmeter would extremely handy because you could very well see adequate illumination with those 14 fixtures with the proper cable used, proper output power tap and if the wattages of the fixtures themselves were lower. But a safer bet would likely be an alternative - a second run would be good to consider. With the traditional screw style taps in your multi-tap transformer, you can 'squeeze' more than one run into an individual wire tap when needed.