I want to expand an existing system to include elements(3) noted in attached image. I expect to go with gutter mounts but unsure about which fixtures to consider along with the specific bulbs to use. Any advice would be most appreciated. Thanks.
I'm a fellow landscape lighting enthusiast. Pretty much any full size or mini spotlight model that uses MR16 or MR11 bulbs should work for the dormer and the gabled areas. If it's crucial to you that your lights are discreet as possible, go with the more compact fixtures. Either the Top Dog or Top Dog mini fixtures would be my recommendation. IMO, the Top Dog is VOLT's most customizable, adjustable, and versatile fixture. Without knowing more about the rest of your plan, it's a bit difficult to make more specific recommendations. What I will say is that if you're trying to match the light output of your ground level fixtures, you may have to go with lower lumens lamps on the upper level fixtures. HTH https://www.voltlighting.com/videos...MIp-PcvvOniQMVcFJHAR0MdzTZEAAYASAAEgLPxPD_BwE