Lighting Layout Help (Simple Small Ranch)

Discussion in 'Ask the Landscape Lighting Experts' started by John Berkett, Apr 3, 2023.

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  1. John Berkett

    John Berkett New Member

    Apr 3, 2023
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    Hello Experts,

    I have been browsing the website for ideas to light up the front of my home. I live on a few acres so not much around me and the yard can get pretty dark at night. I wrote up a rough diagram but feel free to critique and change what I put out there. I could always use help with angle, wattage, and the number of fixtures.

    1. Is one light enough for the tree on the right?

    2. Do I need anything (extra) to highlight the hedges?

    3. Which between the All Star or Spark for the uplights?

    Any help is appreciated!

    Home.jpg Home Questions.jpg
    Mesodude2 likes this.
  2. Mesodude2

    Mesodude2 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2019
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    Hi, John. The positions you’ve chosen on the house are fine and I think your fixture choices and beam spreads are fine as well. I'm worried that your shrubbery at the foundation will block the light from fixtures placed in front of them and if there's no space between the walls and the shrubs, in order to stake them between the house and the shrubbery, you'd need to have them on risers. If you have any room under your soffits, that'd be the approach I'd recommend. They'd be off the ground, out of the way and you wouldn't have to deal with risers or have to worry about your shrubbery blocking the light. Soffit mounted fixtures would also illuminate the shrubbery below. For your shrubbery on the left side, I think you could go even wider than 60° if you wanted. Alternatively you could use a compact flood or wall wash flood light fixture to cover more of the foliage on the shrubbery there. Similarly, I think you could probably go with a wider beam spread fixture for the tree on the right or a pair of fairly wide beam spread fixtures flanking the base of the tree. HTH to get you started.