Layout advice

Discussion in 'Ask the Landscape Lighting Experts' started by Laggy, Dec 26, 2024.

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  1. Laggy

    Laggy New Member

    Dec 26, 2024
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    Hi all,

    I'm new to the forum and looking for advice on placement and types of lighting for the house.

    Couple of notes: I have room behind the hedges on the left to install at ground level and I'm comfortable drilling through walls in the garage as needed.

    Any advice is welcome, thanks in advance!

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  2. Mesodude2

    Mesodude2 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2019
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    Hi, Laggy. I diagrammed your photo to describe one possible approach to illuminating your house. Basically, I’m recommending soffit/puck lights for all locations indicated except for the two porch columns. Those, I’m recommending that you uplight (in addition to your flag). You could also choose to uplight all of the areas with spotlights but recommend soffit lights for several reasons. First, you’ve got nice deep soffits which will allow you to easily position all of your lights an even distance from the facade of your house. Another advantage to soffit lighting here is that you will avoid some of the potential shadowing/banding issues that can occur when attempting to illuminate horizontal siding. Soffit lighting also means most of your fixtures will be up off the ground and less vulnerable to damage from foot traffic or gardening and lawn maintenance equipment. If you’re feeling adventurous and the infrastructure is there, a nice alternative to soffit lighting in front of your garage is well lights (which would require core drilling a place for a fixture in front of the three pillars of your garage). Hope this helps.

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