Flood lights or more spot lights?

Discussion in 'Ask the Landscape Lighting Experts' started by Erin L, May 14, 2022.

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  1. Erin L

    Erin L New Member

    May 14, 2022
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    We used 3 spotlights along our back fence/ hedge and we are not loving the look. We are thinking about swapping them out for flood lights but we’re not sure which ones and how many. Or should we just add more spotlights? We like the whole hedge line to be illuminated.

    Attached is a picture. There is 44 inches between the small wall/ edging and the plants/hedge. The length of the edge is about 40 feet.

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  2. Mesodude2

    Mesodude2 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2019
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    Hi, Erin. I’m not sure what products you’re using or exactly what you’re not loving but as these photos demonstrate, there’s a variety of ways you could illuminate the “the whole hedge line”. You could post a spot (or well light) at the base of each shrub (pool photo). Here it appears that spotlights with beam varying beam spreads (based on the size of the tree or shrub) are being used. Note that the spotlights are just highlighting the the fronts of most of these shrubs. In the second photo, individual spotlights illuminate pairs or groups of shrubs, creating more of a 3D effect. The last photo should give you a sense of the impact floodlighting might make on your shrubs and fence. HTH
    IMG_9858.jpg IMG_9893.jpg

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  3. Erin L

    Erin L New Member

    May 14, 2022
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    Thank you for the feedback! These bushes will eventually (1-2 years) grow into a hedge so we don’t want to highlight individual trees. I think the floodlight look in your last picture is what we’re looking for. Is there an easy way to figure out how many lights to get? We are trying to decide between the wide splash and the gentle splash floodlight.
  4. Mesodude2

    Mesodude2 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2019
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    My best guess wou
    Glad to help. It’s hard to say with certainty how many of either model you’d need. The product descriptions and gallery photos offer some guidance but ultimately it comes down to personal preference. My best guess for that 40-ft expanse would be 3-4 of the Wide Splash or 5-6 of the Gentle Splash. However, size, coverage, and price notwithstanding, there’s a few significant differences that might make it easier for you to settle on one model. For one, the brightest bulb the GS accepts is 3W (300 lumens). That brightness level, I suspect, is comparable to that of the bulbs in your spots. WS uses a different bulb type and its brightest bulb option (10W or 950 lumens) is more than 3x that of the brightest bulb option for the GS. Furthermore, the WS can be dimmed by manually rotating the bulb. In short, the dimmability of the WS would allow you a much greater range of light output than the GS. Think you’ve made up your mind yet? Well wait, there’s more. The GS offers both 2700K and 3000K color temp options. The WS, as best I could determine from the product description, currently only offers a 2700K option. HTH
    Last edited: May 16, 2022
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