I have my digital timer set to turn on the lights at dusk and turn off the lights at 2am. But the lights do not go on programmatically. I checked to verify my program settings and they are correct. I also verified my date / time / location / daylight savings settings are all correct. When I turn on the lights manually by pressing the On/Off button on the timer the lights turn on. So I do not have an electrical problem. Next thing I will try is to unplug the digital Timer and reset it. I'm thinking maybe a power outage somehow screwed up the program setting (even though the timer is power on and the program is still recorded correctly in the timer). Anyone seen this problem before? Thank you, Mike
Hi Mikey, Give our expert support team a call at (813) 978-3700; we'd be happy to help troubleshoot & replace the timer if needed! We have live reps available 7 days a week, Mon-Fri, 8AM - 8PM, EST, Sat-Sun, 10AM - 6PM, EST!