Beginner Lighting Question

Discussion in 'Ask the Landscape Lighting Experts' started by titanif, Oct 23, 2023.

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  1. titanif

    titanif New Member

    Oct 23, 2023
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    I bought 4 path lights (2.5W ea.) and 2 up lights (4.5W ea.) for the front of a property. 6 lights in total. The farthest path light from the transformer will be roughly 11 feet and both up lights will be roughly 25ft from the transformer. Transformer I chose is 150w. There is a possibility of adding extra fixtures in the future.
    I wanted to hear some of your thoughts on using the volt pro junction box for this application. Also, do you think for length of wiring I’d need additional taps on the transformer. Fairly new to lighting installation so looking for any helpful information.
  2. Robert Mason

    Robert Mason Active Member

    Jul 22, 2020
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    titanif: Definitely use a pro junction hub or two. You can run a single main line from the transformer to the hub, connect the fixtures to the hub and keep the other transformer connectors available for future expansion. Your run lengths will not be a line voltage drop issue; you only have to be concerned about that when run lengths get to 100 feet or more. The hub will handle up to 7 fixture connections, 10 fixtures maximum if you need to daisy chain a fixture or two. The hub will also make trouble shooting fixture issues in the future a whole lot easier as you can disconnect a fixture at a time to find a troublesome bulb or connection.

    If you daisy chain any fixtures, use the Volt pro nano junction connectors. They are far superior to any of the direct burial connectors you can buy from Home Depot or Lowes.

    Also, leave an extra foot of two of cable to each fixture at the hub. The extra wire makes working with the hub a lot easier. You can bury the extra behind the hub.

    Don't be afraid to experiment. That's the fun part. Bob Mason