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Thanks Evan, that’s good news. It was the bulbs that surprised me the most. They looked brand new, with no visible damage to the LED or housing...
Sharma: Another option - a) run the main line to the backyard lights first through an IP65 box containing a wifi controlled smart switch or b)...
Any experience with the effect of lightning on LED bulbs and 12V transformers? We had several close strikes last night and I lost a MR11 and MR16...
Sharma: If money is not an issue, then I would do what Meso did and treat yourself to a 600W dual circuit (2x300W) transformer with a photo...
Sharma, yes that will work. That's how mine is set up. Just make sure you buy a large enough box to accommodate the smart plug and the...
Sharma: I use a smartplug to control my transformer. To avoid cutting off the transformer plug and replacing it with a right angle one (and...
Lmdeaton1 - I went the expansion joint route in my install, but had the advantage that the wood was already 15 years old and dry rotted, making it...
George: There are plenty of IP65 switches available, some rated up to 277 volts. Just search "waterproof inline cord switch". Conceptually this...
Jay, if you decide you want to lower the intensity of the 5W bulbs, try experimenting with lenses, separately or in combinations. The frosted and...
Suggestion for the fountain - consider an All Star downlight, partially hiding it by mounting it to the soffit behind the downspout. A 2W, 38...
A ShadowMaster in the shrub bed by the mailbox, with a tall enough riser to cast a pattern across the entire front driveway entrance, would be...
Ryan: Hide the wire in a white cable race. Lowes, Home Depot and Amazon sell them. Won't be as obvious that way. Bob
[IMG] Photo from a product review of a deck light. Fence look familiar? You can adjust the lumens by altering the wattage of the G4 bulb. I...
Hi Meso: That’s an interesting thought. It never occurred to me to run 6 main lines off of 3 12V and 3 15V ports from only 3 commons, but I see...
Sherwood: It appears to me that the cylindrical hubs in the Costco kit (link below) use the same clamp connector blocks found in the newer...
The photo where the sidewalk forms a semi-circle would be a great place for a ShadowMaster (with a 12-18 inch extension?). Just a thought. Bob
Mlode: I agree with Meso, those garage doors are gorgeous and cry out to be illuminated. From my experience, the 300 lumen ProBuddy Plus puck...
Forgot to mention how impressed I was with the lighting job, but I agree with Meso - some 2700K LEDs in the porch and wall fixtures would enhance...
My spots are 12 inches from my facade. I was pleasantly surprised how well the hex louver lenses enhance the grazing effect. Something to...
MV: Hide the power cable in a white cable raceway from Lowes or Home Depot. The adhesive tapes they come with are useless for attaching to brick...