Lighting design and placement

Discussion in 'Ask the Landscape Lighting Experts' started by Darrell Fatalsky, Feb 18, 2023.

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  1. Darrell Fatalsky

    Darrell Fatalsky New Member

    Feb 16, 2023
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    Need help with lighting on home and landscape features. Focus on front entrance. Would like to have some lighting on the flower boxes, white birch in center, weeping birch on your left, lights on 42' x 6' sidewalk (Maybe salty dog MR16) and flower bed to right of sidewalk.

    Thank You

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  2. Mesodude2

    Mesodude2 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2019
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    Hi, Darrell. Fellow landscaping lighting enthusiast here. I diagrammed one of your photos to indicate one possible lighting layout approach. My recommendations are based on the assumption that your line voltage lights on the house will not be part of your lighting plan. If you've seen any of my previous feedback, you'll note that my recommendations are very straightforward. I would uplight the areas indicated in yellow and I've suggested some possible locations for path lights. Because I don't have a clear view of the foundation and a full sense of the facade, I had to guess somewhat. You could choose to graze the stonework (to emphasize detail) by placing the lights near the foundation or if you wanted to show more of the colored surfaces, you could pull your lights back away from the wall about a foot and a half or so. I'd illuminate the two pairs of wood columns. If the wood is set back from the top edge of the stone columns, you might need to put the spotlights on risers in order to prevent or minimize shadows. If want to prevent light trespass into your windows, I would suggest you go with a compact spotlight or a small floodlight in front of your flower boxes. As for the path lights, placement and the number of fixtures you use will depend on how much coverage you want. However many you decide on (my guess is that 3-4 of the max spread path lights would be enough for your path and steps. If you wanted to show off parts or all of the garden beds flanking your steps, you'll want to take a look at the different models of path lights to determine which beam spreads will work best for your needs. Hope this helps to get you started.
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