Troubleshooting help

Discussion in 'Ask the Landscape Lighting Experts' started by Adrian Quick, Jan 12, 2022.

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  1. Adrian Quick

    Adrian Quick New Member

    Jan 12, 2022
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    Hi there…need some guidance on troubleshooting my Volt landscape lighting. After 2 years of trouble free use, after a recent hard rain, the system turned off about 2 hours after it turned on after dusk. It’s a low voltage 12V LED system and there is power to the transformer. When I flip the switch up, and turn it on, it turns on for about 2-3 seconds and then flips off, with the switch flipping down. Last time I had this issue, I had a line that had been cut by a landscaper, which I replaced. The blue light will fade and flicker before it trips off.

    I do not believe that there have been any cuts to the line, but wanted to see what people do to troubleshoot their systems that have similar issues. Not looking forward to checking every wire, as it is all buried cable. I was thinking of disconnecting each hub from each other, and working from the transformer to the first hub to see if there is an issue in the first run to the first hub, then connecting the second hub, etc.

    Any guidance or help would be greatly appreciated. Trying to figure out if it is a transformer issue, wire issue, bulb issue, hub issue, etc.
  2. Robert Mason

    Robert Mason Active Member

    Jul 22, 2020
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    Adrian, I had similar issues after a nearby lightning strike shorted out three bulbs connected to three separate hubs. Your approach is exactly right. Disconnect the mainlines to each hub one at a time then disconnect the wires one at a time from the offending hub or hubs to each fixture. Finally, try replacing the bulb in the offending fixture before pulling up buried cable. It's a tedious process but much easier than pulling up buried cable unnecessarily. Bob
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