Cant find short

Discussion in 'Ask the Landscape Lighting Experts' started by Mike C, Oct 27, 2021.

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  1. Mike C

    Mike C New Member

    Oct 27, 2021
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    My lights have been working fine for two weeks after the install until a large rain storm. The 15v line of lights works fine when I disconnect the 12v. The 12v trips off within 5 seconds. I have double checked both ports that are on the 12v line to see if they were under a wet location and checked to ensure the connections were secure. I also checked each light. What else can it be?
  2. Mesodude2

    Mesodude2 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2019
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    How are your lights connected? Are you using hubs? Recently someone else troubleshooting a transformer issue posted a photo of their transformer wiring and it was extremely helpful to see exactly how things were wired. If you're not using hubs, I'd be curious as to how confident you are that all your connections are watertight?
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  3. Community Admin

    Community Admin Community Admin Staff Member

    Jul 27, 2018
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    If disconnecting the 12V run you mentioned results in the transformer working as expected, the issue is more than likely related to this run.

    If you've doubled checked the wire connections (and that they are waterproof connectors) and inspected the cable for any visible signs of damage, the next step would be to start disconnecting any fixtures on that 12V run individually. If a connector or the cable isn't the source, one of the fixtures could potentially need to be inspected.

    If you narrow it down to a single fixture, and after removing the fixture the system is operational, just give us a call and we can help to setup the return and replacement if needed under our lifetime warranty. (813) 978-3700. We'll send you a shipping label as well to cover any return shipping costs!
  4. Mike C

    Mike C New Member

    Oct 27, 2021
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    All connections at the transformers and hubs checked out good. It looks like there was a overload from something as I found two bulbs had burnt out. One was shorted out completely through the housing. See picture. Replacements have been shipped. Thank you VOLT Lighting for your warranty!! As a precaution, after reading other posts, I decided to add another 12v line from the transformer. Previously, I had 9 lights on this line through two different hubs. With the additional line I took three lights off (line 1 now has 6 lights; line 2 now has 3 lights). Line 3 (15v and furthest from transformer) has 7 lights. So far it works minus the two fixtures that don't have bulbs yet. Once the two replacement bulbs arrive I shall see if this works long term. I have one more "fix" to do. I had to extend a wire on the light fixture on my gutter and I used 12 gauge wire to extent 14 gauge wire. From this forum, I realize that could potentially be a problem so I will replace my extension with 14 gauge wire...........

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