We are having a pool built and I intend on having sleeves installed so I can install landscape lights when they finish. We have a step down to the pool area where I want to install step lights. What is the process for installing these lights into the concrete steps? I called the 1-800# and they said Volt does not recommend they be installed in concrete because you must removed for warranty if the need arises. I want to get them on order and do what I need to for install or preparation before the concrete gets poured.
Hi Allan, While you could put our Brass Bunker Step Lights directly in cement, what most pros do is to build a wood box to the dimensions of the Brass Bunker body and pour the concrete around that. They will also put PVC conduit in the steps connected to the wooden boxes - and run a string (or cable) through the conduit. You can get the dimensions for the Brass Bunker body from the spec sheet.
Thanks for that information. I reviewed the spec sheet and I don't see anything on light distribution. I have a 14' long step. How many fixtures do you recommend for good coverage?
Our brass bunkers can illuminate steps up to about 5 ft. wide. So, (5) fixtures evenly spaced (at 2' 4", 4' 8", 7' 0", 9' 4", and 11' 8") . should provide sufficient coverage.
Steve, I installed boxes at these dimensions now I need to get bulbs. Which LED bulbs do you recommend to get the lighting you recommend above? Thx
Allan, there are only a couple of lamp options on that fixture. Both will give you about the same spread. One is simply brighter than the other. I'd personally go dimmer (15w equivalent) as these are typically used as guiding lights.