Main run from transformer

Discussion in 'Ask the Landscape Lighting Experts' started by Chuck J., Jun 14, 2020.

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  1. Chuck J.

    Chuck J. New Member

    Jun 14, 2020
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    Hello All,
    I recently purchased a kit with 6 six Fatboy spots and 4 second gen 24” path lights. Kit came with 100 Watt transformer. I have completed the back of the house covering the area with 2 Pro Junction Hubs. The easiest way to the front of the house is to continue from the back yard and down the side of the house opposite from the transformer mount location. Can I use one of the Hubs to connect the next run of 14/2 wire to the front yard or do I need to start a new run from the transformer around the house to the front? Thank you
  2. Community Admin

    Community Admin Community Admin Staff Member

    Jul 27, 2018
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    LED landscape lighting is flexible to work with given the wide input operating voltages of bulbs and integrated fixtures but, our Pro Junction Hubs specifically are designed to evenly disperse power amongst the connectors inside (balancing somewhat similar to an antiquated halogen type lighting system). We typically recommend no longer than 25 feet runs off a hub (in conjunction with the longest lead wire version we offer for most fixtures at 25'). While you can stretch this perhaps a few feet in some cases and likely use a voltmeter to take it to the limits, it may lead to voltage related issues.

    So, from what you have described involving a wire run around the house, I would recommend considering starting a new run from the transformer and not using a hub to start a new run.
    Mesodude2 likes this.
  3. Chuck J.

    Chuck J. New Member

    Jun 14, 2020
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    Thank you Evan. Very helpful.
    Community Admin likes this.