New Transformer?

Discussion in 'Ask the Landscape Lighting Experts' started by Dan Sarrosick, May 18, 2020.

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  1. Dan Sarrosick

    Dan Sarrosick New Member

    May 18, 2020
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    Hi - I currently have a 300w transformer (VTR-300-SS) powering 16 fixtures for a total of 77w. I am planning on adding another 12 fixtures for an additional 53w. The challenge is that each of these setups are on opposite sides of the backyard.

    I assume given the above numbers vs. 300w of the transformer, the math would work out to continue to use the current transformer. But given the distance I would need a run of at least 100 ft before I could connect a hub and then would need a max run of 100ft off of that hub to connect all the fixtures.

    So my question is given those distances, could I use the existing transformer or should I install a new one closer to where the new fixtures will be (which I could also do).

    Thanks for the help!
  2. Mesodude2

    Mesodude2 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2019
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    Hi, Dan

    You'll be well under the recommended 240W load max for that size transformer. Evan will correct me if I'm wrong but as long as you're using a sufficiently heavy cable gauge (12 gauge should be be good for runs of that length), you should be just fine.
  3. Community Admin

    Community Admin Community Admin Staff Member

    Jul 27, 2018
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    The HUB accepts up to 10-gauge which is rated for used up to 250' so, theoretically you could send power with to that hub 100' away no problem. The issue is dispersing from there, while LED is extremely flexible compared to working with old halogen lights, the HUB is still designed to evenly disperse power based on the taps. While the 25' wire lengths we recommend for runs off a HUB is essentially because we only sell up to a 25' lead wire, regardless of the flexbility of LED, you wouldn't really want to go much further beyond the 25'. A rough estimate would be really no more than another 10-15ft but, this would also largely vary on the entire setup - the runs and load on that run.

    So, you could certainly run 12 or 10-gauge out to the hub 100 ft away but, typically we'd advise against any excessively long runs off a hub or going hub to hub - it can lead to voltage issues on that run.
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