Photocell Stopped Working

Discussion in 'Ask the Landscape Lighting Experts' started by Hemiking18, May 2, 2020.

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  1. Hemiking18

    Hemiking18 New Member

    Jul 8, 2019
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    Recently the Photocell in my backyard system has stopped coming on at dark. Initially I thought it was a light in a nearby window, but for the past few nights that light has been off, and still no lights. I can turn the timer setting to on, and the lights come on. I have unplugged and replugged the timer and photocell and still the photocell does not come on. Any suggestions on how to test or correct this issue.
  2. Mesodude2

    Mesodude2 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2019
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    Hi, Hemiking18. You can help others here offer you better advice by letting us know which transformer/photocell model or type you have. Have you tried covering the photocell lens? Some come with a black cap for testing purposes. A piece of black tape should work as well.
    Community Admin likes this.
  3. Community Admin

    Community Admin Community Admin Staff Member

    Jul 27, 2018
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    To help determine whether what you are experiencing is related to either the timer or the location of the transformer, I would recommend testing it.

    To test the Timer & Photocell combo device:

    (In daylight)
    1. Test in the ON position first.

    2. If the timer works in this setting then, set it to dusk to dawn setting; it should turn off after doing this.

    3. You should then cover the photocell (the small diode on the timer itself) in complete darkness for anywhere from 5-6 minutes (using a towel or something that encompasses the entire device is recommended.) After this time, it should power on.

    (When using the Slim Line transformer which has the timer device built it, you would need to cover the entire glass face of the door to properly test the cycling functionality.)

    If the timer does not cycle properly, the device may need to be inspected. If the device cycles properly when testing but does not do so at night in the natural setting, the issue is more than likely related to the location of the transformer in regards to ambient light.