Wallmount a slimline transformer

Discussion in 'Ask the Landscape Lighting Experts' started by Index, Jan 3, 2020.

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  1. Index

    Index New Member

    Jan 3, 2020
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    I have two 150W slimline transformers that I want to wall mount inside of a garage. These are from the Costco kits.
    Is there a clean way to wall mount the transformers?
  2. Community Admin

    Community Admin Community Admin Staff Member

    Jul 27, 2018
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    All of our transformers are designed to be easy to mount to the wall. They come pre-provided with brackets for mounting (on the top and bottom). Tapcon screws are a go-to for mounting the transformers. For added protection and an extra clean mount, you could consider using the piece of protective conduit for the cable exiting the bottom of the transformer.
  3. Index

    Index New Member

    Jan 3, 2020
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    IMG_20200103_115326_01.jpg Hi Evan,
    This transformer doesnt seem to have any tabs. The only bracket is for the ground stakes.
  4. Mesodude2

    Mesodude2 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2019
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    A few ideas...First, if there is any kind of gap between that strip of trim on the top of the transformer and the main housing of the transformer and it could be confirmed (by someone at Volt) that it could support the weight, hanging it on a couple of flush mount wall brackets could work. Still inexpensive (and I think less likely to void your warranty) would be to secure the transformer to a wall mounted shelf or wall mounted L brackets via the knockouts in the bottom of the transformer. Next, not so cheap but better (and should not jeopardize your warranty) would be something like a utility meter cage. In that case you’re mounting the cage to a structure and setting the transformer(s) inside the cage(s). A similar concept (but still kinda pricey) would be to enclose the transformer behind an appropriately sized and well vented thermostat cover. And finally (sort of crude but more budget-friendly) would be something like a wall mounted exit light guard. There’s probably some kind of vented enclosure out there that could work. I would just make sure you check with a Volt rep before you choose any kind of box other than a cage with a wide grid. Hope this helps.
    Community Admin likes this.
  5. Community Admin

    Community Admin Community Admin Staff Member

    Jul 27, 2018
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    My apologies Index, I overlooked you mentioning that the transformers were from a Costco Kit! Unfortunately, there is no pre-designed way to wall-mount this unit; this was in fact at Costco's request. The idea of the kit as they saw it was to be something you were able to grab off the shelf and simply stake into the ground without needing absolutely any additional power tools; other than a shovel everything essentially right in the box. Also, because of the photocell control design, the units are mainly intended to be used outdoors.

    I did check with our customer support and product team about what we could do. Short of voiding the warranty altering the transformer or trying to return items or change up your system, we'd recommend either possibly resting the unit in a secure position (safely placed on a shelf perhaps) or securing the unit to a shelf or post via a ratchet strap, mechanical clamp, etc.; essentially anything that doesn't physically alter the design. The transformers are all UL listed (rigorously tested), they can be used in the garage and they are not required to be wall-mounted for safe & consistent operation. This would not void the Lifetime Warranty either.

    To keep control/programming capabilities, you will need to bypass the photocells by leaving the timers set to ON and using another timer device directly at the garage outlet and then plug the transformers into these units (smart timers can be used to bypass for WiFi, Bluetooth capabilities here as well).
    Mesodude2 likes this.
  6. Index

    Index New Member

    Jan 3, 2020
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    Thanks Mesodude2 and Evan.

    I ended up buying 4x 2" L brackets at Home Depot and attaching one of the ends of the brackets to the screw holes on the side of the transformer and the other ends against the wall. So no alteration was needed and it's very sturdy. Even has a 0.5" air gap between the wall and transformer which should help keep the unit cooler.

    I have the timer set to ON and plugged into a smart plug, which is timed. Works great.
    Thanks for the help!
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2020
    Community Admin and Mesodude2 like this.