Separate names with a comma.
Just going to say same thing. I made the mistake of putting my tx in an area that prevented the photocell from working.
Unfortuntely, the closest place a raised bed could be placed is along the fence line, at right (actually I am planting podocarpus trees there...
Robert, thank you for the suggestions. I should have pointed out the shrubbery to the lower right in the image isn’t truly in my yard. Just some...
Hi, I am looking to light a walkway that leads to my in ground pool. (see rendering)[ATTACH] There will be concrete step pads surrounded by grass...
Thanks. I did buy the last set from volt (whole kit with the 12g wire. Thats my plan for the back two (buy the kit and a couple expansion kits)....
thank you! this is exactly what I needed. I have the 150W transformer in the front yard (2 hubs, 4 lights each), but I couldn't remember what the...
Hi, For my application I am looking to connect 3 runs of lights (via Hubs) into a 150W transformer. Run 1: 6 to 8 Uplights (into central hub) -...
Thanks, I would assume it's still better to use a centralized hub, where possible, but with that long of a run, depending on placement of lights...
Hi, I have a large backyard (about 6,000 square feet), where I am trying to install some lighting along back fence area. I'd estimate the fence...
Thanks, I will pick up a hub for each string of lights I plan to run, seems like a no-brainer now that I look at how inexpensive it is! Thanks...
Hi, New to landscape lighting, and this is probably a silly question, but -- Can you daisy-chain LED path/spot lights on a single supply line?...