Breaker Troubleshooting

Discussion in 'Ask the Landscape Lighting Experts' started by TRG, May 13, 2022.

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  1. TRG

    TRG New Member

    May 13, 2022
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    I have 2 transformers, one for the front yard, the other for the back. Both worked yesterday, back didn't come on last night. I check the ground fault outlet, reset it, plugged and unplugged the transformer not working. It will kick on, and immediately turn off. Seems odd that with no overnight changes a short would happen, but I'm open for suggestions. Thanks.
  2. Jonathan C Grahmann

    Jonathan C Grahmann New Member

    May 12, 2022
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    Are both transformers plugged into the same plug? On the same circuit?
    Assuming they are on separate circuits, you may want to try replacing the GFCI plug as I've had some fail on me before. The GFCI shouldn't be tripping when you power on the transformer. If a new plug has the same issue, you could also try swapping your two units out to see if the issue is a faulty transformer or if its something with the circuit itself (i.e. if you swap transformers, and it happens again on the same plug, then the issue is on that circuit, not the transformer)
  3. Terry Ginther

    Terry Ginther New Member

    May 13, 2022
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    I have a relatively new system (installed this past November), and yesterday mine transformer started doing the exact same thing. I have inspected every fixture and there are no exposed wires and none of the fixtures are damaged in any way. I even lightly tapped the side of each fixture to make sure the LED bulb was seated in it's socket. I'm wondering if it's a bad transformer?
  4. steveo

    steveo New Member

    May 13, 2022
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    My transformer has power but the lights are out and will not come back on. The on - off is a toggle switch and when I flip it on, the lights come on for a brief second and go off. We did have a hard rain a couple days ago and the trouble started afterward. I have the same exact unit in my front yard and have no issues. Any ideas?
  5. Wetwillie1

    Wetwillie1 New Member

    Mar 22, 2022
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    I need a circuit breaker for my transformer
  6. Jonathan C Grahmann

    Jonathan C Grahmann New Member

    May 12, 2022
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    Steveo, I had a different issue, but mine was related to the plug itself. After swapping it out for a new GFCI plug, everything worked like a charm.
  7. Robert Mason

    Robert Mason Active Member

    Jul 22, 2020
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    Guys, it's a tedious but simple process of elimination. From my experience, a bad bulb or a wet, buried connection are most likely to trip the internal breaker on the transformer before the breaker on the GFCI trips. A past, nearby lightning strike is also not good, as it will fry bulbs and corrode buried lines (black copper oxide coating on the wire strands), necessitating their replacement.

    Start by disconnecting each mainline at the transformer one at a time to isolate which line is tripping the breaker. Assuming you have run the mainlines to hubs, then disconnect each fixture one at a time at the hub that is the problem. Once you have isolated the fixture, swap out the bulb with one you know works before going to all of the trouble of pulling up the fixture.

    It's a bit more work if you have daisy chained the fixtures to the mainlines. You will need to bypass each fixture one at a time with a temporary jumper line. If you made the mistake I made and used something other than Volt Pro Nano junctions to connect some fixtures, buy some of the Volt connectors before starting to bypass and test the junctions, starting with any non-Volt connectors. The Volt connectors are far superior to anything you can get at Home Depot or Lowes. The Home Depot and Lowes stuff will fill with water after a heavy rain soaking.

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