Purchased Costco 6 spot light and 3 pathway light kit. When I turn to On, all lights work. But when try dusk to dawn or timer, no lights come on. I have two hubs running to transformer. On hub has two spot lights connected and the other hub has 3 path lights and 3 spot lights connected. Any idea why dusk to dawn and timer not working?
Hi, Vince. Do both pilot lights illuminate? Is there light shining onto the photocell after dusk? Have you tried setting it to Dusk to Dawn and then covering the photocell with black tape (to see if that causes the lights to turn on)? You may need to contact VOLT customer service for additional troubleshooting.
Just going to say same thing. I made the mistake of putting my tx in an area that prevented the photocell from working.
Issues with the timing like this are typically due to interference from ambient light sources or, less common, a faulty sensor. To test the Photocell device: (In daylight) 1. Test in the ON position first. 2. If the timer works in this setting then, set it to dusk to dawn setting; it should turn off after doing this. 3. You should then cover the photocell in complete darkness for anywhere from 5-6 minutes (using a towel or something that encompasses the entire device is recommended.) After this time, it should power on. (With the CostCo transformer which has the timer device built it, you would need to cover the entire face of the unit to properly test the cycling functionality.) If the sensor is ultimately the issue, we will be happy to help get it replaced for you - just give us a call at 813-978-3700!